Artificial Academy 2 (ジンコウガクエン2, Jinkou Gakuen 2) is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of Artificial Academy and released by Illusion on June 13, 2014. Create and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation and other interaction abilities and personal inclinations. Artificial Academy 2 Mod ย้ำอีกครั้ง!!!!!ม็อด! Artificial Academy 3p!Shanna by ShannaHeart on DeviantArt. AA2Unlimited AAUnlimited is a mod, and a mod framework for the game Artificial Academy 2 by Illusion. It adds many new features. In short, it makes your game run smoother, it makes your characters look pretty, and it makes the gameplay interesting. Artificial Academy 2 (ジンコウガクエン2, Jinkou Gakuen 2) is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of You must be registered to see the links and released by Illusion on June 13, 2014. Create and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation and other interaction abilities and personal inclinations.

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  1. Artificial Academy 2 Personalities Mod 3
  2. Artificial Academy 2 Personalities Mod 1
Jun 25th, 2014
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Artificial Academy 2 Personalities Mod 3

  1. 女性 Female
  2. 種類 意味 通訳
  3. 薄 薄幸 Delicate (should be Unhappy, maybe gloomy, lit. unfortunate)
  4. 淡 淡々 Stoic (should be quiet, lit. indifferent, typical dandere)
  5. 然 天然呆け Assertive (Should be Airhead, but the actual meaning is closer to Space Cadet)
  6. 晴 晴々 Pleasant (should be Bright, this is the most cheerful and sunny personality)
  7. 笑 笑顔 Joyful (lit. Smiling)
  8. 月 月並み Moody (another wtf tl, should be Plain or Ordinary)
  9. 尖 尖っている Uptight (should be Harsh, lit. Sharp, insults a lot)
  10. 肝 キモオタ Creepy (2ch slang for creepy otaku)
  11. 凜 凜とした Dignified (typical ojousama type)
  12. 独 独尊、単独、孤独 Independent (the wiki says 独尊 or self-conceited, but I think 単独 is more accurate)
  13. 聡 聡明 Smart (lit. means Wise, personality is a typical Japanese housewife, maybe Homely?)
  14. 理 理知的 Shrewd (lit. Logical, the typical teasing oneesama type)
  15. 漢 漢 Manly (lit. Chivalrous Man, the Chinese equivalent to a Knight, think Saber from FSN)
  16. 男性
  17. 陽 陽気 Positive (lit. Sunny or Cheerful, Japanese has a lot of words for Cheerful)
  18. 蛮 野蛮 Savage (lit. Barbarian or Brute)
Artificial academy 2 personalities mod 3

Artificial Academy 2 Personalities Mod 1 – 2018