1. Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac Computers
  2. Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac High Sierra
  3. Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac Os

Brmodelo 3.0 for mac free download. BrModelo 3.2 Tool used to Database ER model Ferramenta para modelagem ER em bancos de dados. Download brModelo 3.2 for free. ER Databese Model. Tool used to Database ER model Ferramenta para modelagem ER em bancos de dados.



  • SysML Support
  • Additional UML Diagrams (Timing, Interaction Overview, Information Flow)
  • MacBook Pro's Touch Bar Support
  • Command Palette
  • Tag Editor
  • Resolved Issues
    • Tag editor #3
    • Linux distributions for .deb and .rpm (no more AppImage) #172
    • Support Macbook Touchbar #174
    • Allow to extend maximum canvas size #178
    • Open external url when double click on Hyperlink element #173
    • Allow to register user TTF fonts #169
    • Allow to change diagram background color #167
    • Zooming too sensitive in Trackpad #108
    • Drag-n-drop ports on Subsystem not working #168
    • Can't autoresize ERDEntityView when suppressColumns is on true. #180
    • Bump electron to latest version #179
    • Add Command Palette #138
    • Add frame by drag-and-drop a diagram from Explorer #198
    • Lifeline need more top and bottom padding for placing Duration Constraints in Timing Diagram #186
    • Entity, Boundary, Control's small icons are not shown in Explorer #192
    • Add 'Add Diagram' in context menu of diagram area #191
    • Support Timing Diagram #51
    • Support Interaction Overview Diagram #176
    • Implement Duration and Time Constraints #52
    • Support Information Flow Diagram #207
    • Support Requirement Diagram (SysML) #182
    • Support Block Definition Diagram (SysML) #183
    • Support Internal Block Diagram (SysML) #184
    • Support Parametric Diagram (SysML) #185
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (.deb) Linux (.rpm)


3.2.2 (Hotfix)(2020/01/14)

  • Notarize app for macOS (Catalina)
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)

3.2.1 (Hotfix)(2019/12/18)

  • Resolved Issues
    • Suppressed operations (or attributes, etc.) are not shown again #166
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


  • Hide a subset of attributes, operations, etc.
  • Activity diagram improvements
  • Turn-off automatic updates
  • Resolved Issues
    • Activity diagram improvements #163
    • Failed to load .uml file #158
    • Create message is incorrectly connected if Lifeline is placed at left-side #162
    • Do not close when select 'Cancel' in save changes dialog #141
    • Support CallOperation and CallBehavior Actions #147
    • Open the diagram by double-clicking which referred by Frame #148
    • Add a new lifeline when drag collaboration role onto sequence (or communication) diagram #144
    • Allow deploying artifact instance to node instance #145
    • Allow to turn-off check update on start #159
    • Association cannot be drag-and-drop from Model Explorer when the two classes exists #143
    • Do not show delete views only dialog when try to delete attributes #161
    • Allow selectively show/hide attributes, operations and other properties. #160
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


  • Resolved Issues
    • Update harfbuzz in AppImage for Linux #152
    • Copy diagram as image not work in Ubuntu 18.04 #154
    • Extension update not working #142
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


  • Support Template Binding
  • Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Resolved Issues
    • Can't input '}' character because of the shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+0) in german keyboard #134
    • Interaction should have only one Sequence or Communication Diagram #69
    • Allow custom sequence number of Messages in Sequence and Communication Diagram #125
    • Ports should be included in 'attributes' when importing StarUML V1 file #65
    • Support text wrap in tags in a class view #130
    • No Region in StateMachine created with SubmachineState #72
    • Allow to move (drag and drop) Flowchart, DFD, ERD under Package element #70
    • Error when try to create ActivityInterrupt #85
    • Messages' source and target are not changed when Connector is reconnected in Communication Diagram #117
    • Allow to bring combined fragment to front over activations #53
    • Fix UML055 validation rule #137
    • Remove 'Add Part' and 'Add Port' in Part's QuickEdit #136
    • Layout (edges) is broken sometimes after file open #126
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


  • Resolved Issues
    • Sometimes show grid state is not matched with menu state #129
    • Diagram background is shown gray when app is launched. #124
    • Canvas size is too small in window scale (> 100% or < 200%) in Windows. #127
    • Self relationships suddenly disappears #123
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


  • Resolved Issues
    • File extension (.mdj) is not associated with #121
    • In macOS, Do not quit app when all windows are closed #122
    • Delete key not work in Property Editor in Windows/Linux #120
    • Quickedit's shortcut not works in Linux #118
    • Add top padding for Linux (like as Windows) #114
    • Quick Edit's name edit not working in forward message in Sequence and Communication Diagram #116
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


  • Multiple Windows Support
  • Data Flow Diagram Support
  • Auto Update
  • Light and Dark Themes
  • Copy Diagram Image to Clipboard
  • Reduced File Size
  • Improved Stability and Performance
  • API enhancement
  • Code Sign for Executables and Installers
  • Download: macOS Windows Linux (64-bit) Linux (32-bit)


2.8.1 (Hotfix)(2018/01/05)

  • Resolved Issues
    • Crashes in some HDPI display (e.g. Windows 10 / Surface Pro) #433
  • Download: macOS Windows Ubuntu .deb (64-bit) Ubuntu .deb (32-bit)


  • Show stereotype icon in Model Explorer
  • Word wrap for attributes, operations and other text elements
  • Resolved Issues
    • Allow to rename diagram a in 'Working Diagrams' pane #413
    • Allow to delete views only in Sequence/Communications Diagrams #430
    • Allow wordwrap for attributes, operations, association role names, etc. #421
    • Methods missing for class that extends abstract that implements interface. #427
    • PDF printing error of flowchart diagram #429
    • Prevent to select an incompatible element of a reference property in PropertyEditor #424
    • Show/hide stereotype text in Model Explorer #422
    • Show stereotype icon in Model Explorer #423


  • Additional Activity Diagram Elements
  • Resolved Issues
    • Show 'nullable', 'unique' in Entity view in ER diagram #420
    • Show type name of lifeline in Model Explorer #419
    • Prevent fonts lazy loading #418
    • Word wrap problem in Flowchart #416
    • Object becomes invisible when corresponding classifier is deleted #415
    • Object cannot be dragged onto an object diagram #414
    • Support missing standard elements in Activity Diagram #399
Brmodelo 3.0 for mac catalina


  • Flowchart Support
  • Resolved Issues
    • Support Flowchart #411
    • Subsystem cannot be dragged onto a package diagram #412
    • StateMachine added alone has no Region. #410
    • modelInitializer and viewInitializer are not executed for some elements (e.g. Lifeline) #408
    • Allow single quote character in name in Quick Edit #407
    • Show file system error messages #405
    • Nested containments of composite states not allowed #403
    • Support OS X's Preference Convention (Cmd+comma) #402
    • Allow to create AssociationClass view by drag and drop #396


  • Support Mac OS X - El Capitan
  • Resolved Issues
    • Support Split view in Mac OS X - El Capitan #400
    • Old-style window buttons in OS X El Capitan #388
    • Allow ''(single quote) in QuickEdit for Object #401
    • Allow to export diagram images by command line tool #397
    • Allow a secondary license path #394
    • Allow comma(',') in QuickEdit for Column (ERD) #393
    • [Linux] Link has wrong symlink #392


  • Diagram Thumbnails View
  • Hyperlinks
  • Support Accept Time Event Action
  • Resolved Issues
    • Support Hyperlink #387
    • Create a SubmachineState when drag a StateMachine and drop on Statechart Diagram #386
    • Create a StateMachine when create a SubmachineMachine #385
    • Allow transition expression in QuickEdit #384
    • Create Input and Output Pins when connect two Actions using ObjectFlow #383
    • '=', '+' chars are not allowed in HTML docs to be hosted in IIS #382
    • Create InteractionUse when drag Interation and drop on Diagram #381
    • Support ConnectorKind property in Connectors #380
    • Allow Create Type, Select Type for Part and Port in QuickEdit #379
    • Show type and multiplicity of Part Views #378
    • Show stereotype and name of relationships in Model Explorer #377
    • Support Part in Part, and Port on Part #376
    • Allow slot expression (name: type = value) in QuickEdit #375
    • Allow multiplicity expression for Attributes and Operations in QuickEdit #374
    • Shortcuts for Add Attribute (Ctrl-Enter) and Add Operation (Ctrl-Shift-Enter) in QuickEdit #373
    • Show Types of Qualifiers #372
    • Remove UML005 (Conflict with inherited operations) validation rule #371
    • Allow anonymous instances (UML Validation) #370
    • Show properties of LinkEnds #369
    • Show value of Object #368
    • Allow type for Slots without assigning definingFeature property #367
    • Support Accept Time Event Action #366
    • Show signal name of Reception in Model Explorer #364


  • Retina (High-DPI) Display Support
  • Shorthands in QuickEdit for Fast Modeling
  • Suppression of Editors
  • Style Editor Improvements (Formatting and Alignment)
  • Sizing Elements Equally
  • UML Improvements (Receptions and Internal Transitions)
  • Resolved Issues
    • Move edge views when the two connected nodes are moving #363
    • Found and Lost Messages in Toolbox #362
    • Shorthands in QuickEdit for Fast Modeling #361
    • Allow to connect Forward/Reverse Message between Lifelines in Communication Diagram #360
    • Support 'Reception' element #359
    • 'N' Key doesn't work for 'Don't Save' in Save Changes Dialog #358
    • Allow Frame in Communication Diagram #357
    • Allow to create messages by drag-n-drop in Communications Diagram #356
    • Menus for Set Size (width, height) Equally (in StyleEditor) #354
    • Add Realization element (other than InterfaceRealization, ComponentRealization) #353
    • Format Icons in StyleEditor #352
    • Allow to suppress StyleEditor, PropertyEditor and DocumentationEditor #351
    • Incorrect icon size of stereotype icons of Lifeline's represents #350
    • Internal Transitions in States #349
    • Guard and iteration expression for Messages #348
    • Retina (High-DPI) Display Support #347


  • Replaced by CEF-2171 (Stability and Performance Improvement)
  • Advanced Font System
  • Resolved Issues
    • Missing property labels when importing StarUML V1 files #346
    • Replace by CEF2171 (Windows and Mac OS X) #344
    • Allow additional fonts other than default fonts in PDF printing #343
    • Support CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) fonts in PDF printing #335


  • Resolved Issues
    • Allow inherited operations from interfaces in UML005 validation rule #342
    • Quick Search in Element Picker Dialog #341
    • Quick Search in Model Explorer #340
    • Stucked when cancel in the file dialog of StarUML V1 import. #339
    • Automatically fix of incorrect positions of labels #338
    • [Linux] Text copy and paste not works #330
    • Support sorting by alphabetical order in Model Explorer #320
    • Auto complete for Property Editor #297

2.1.4 (Hotfix) (2015/04/25)

  • Resolved Issues
    • Relationships are broken when it created by drag and drop #336

2.1.3 (Hotfix) (2015/04/23)

  • Resolved Issues
    • Fix broken refs automatically when open file #333
    • Allows unnamed lifelines for validation #334

2.1.2 (Hotfix) (2015/03/23)

  • Resolved Issues
    • Sometimes broken messages in Sequence Diagram #331

Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac Computers


  • Alignment Tools in Style Editor
  • Fixed UI Problems
  • Resolved Issues
    • Use curve line style for automatic diagram layout #328
    • [Windows] Minimize window causes Toolbox and Editors disappear #327
    • Auto-layout problem with Association Class #326
    • Alignment buttons in StyleEditor #325
    • Allow '<' and '>' (e.g. 'List<Integer>') in type expression in QuickEdit #322
    • Allow Package can contain other view elements (e.g. Class) on diagram by drag and drop #321


  • Entity-Relationship Diagram Support
  • New Line Styles (Round Rectilinear and Curve)
  • Resolved Issues
    • ERD support #324
    • Decoration with Label is not properly rendered for Component and Node #319
    • Auto-resize property messes up printing to pdf #318
    • Show shortcut key in QuickEdit #317
    • Toolbox and Editors position problem on Window resize #246
    • New line styles (Rounded rectilinear and Curve) #23
Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac


  • Sequence Diagram Enhancement
  • Activity Diagram Enhancement
  • Resolved Issues
    • Set HTML encoding to UTF-8 #315
    • Allow to select operations inherited by InterfaceRealization in Sequence Diagram #314
    • Allow to create Message even inside CombinedFragments #311
    • Allow to drag and drop InputPins and OutputPins #310
    • Show copy diagram instruction when try to copy elements in Sequence or Communication Diagrams #309
    • Create message must attached to Lifeline's head #308
    • Automatic align Lifelines on top and move only horizontally #307
    • ActivityNodes need to be contained inside Swimlanes #304
    • Send To Back, Bring To Front not works on InteractionFragments #303
    • Hide horizontal line in State if no regions #302
    • Support Interface icon for Lifeline #301
    • Auto-expanding Lifelines #300
    • Adding more elements on Toolbox for Sequence Diagram #299
    • Show Message's name in Explorer in front of (source->target) if any #298
    • ExtensionPoint icon disappeared #296


  • Colorful Icons
  • Export All Diagrams at Once
  • Resolved Issues
    • Create a Model when add Diagram directly under Project #293
    • Copy a model element shows 'No views to copy or some views cannot be copied.' message #292
    • Connector is not connected between Lifelines in Communication Diagram #291
    • Default color for UML elements in General section in Preferences #289
    • Selection priority of messages in sequence diagrams #286
    • Export all diagrams at once #285
    • Allow to drag and drop Use Case Subject #284
    • Activity diagram enhancements #269


  • HTML Docs Generation
  • Default Colors for UML Elements
  • Auto Backup
  • Word Wrap for Note and Text
  • Space Equally, Horizontally and Vertically
  • Resolved Issues
    • Support word-wrap in Text and Note #283
    • Space equally, horizontally and vertically #282
    • Check views in Clipboard could be pasted into current diagram #281
    • Show tooltip on zoom and validation result icons in Status Bar #280
    • Sort elements in TreeView for HTML Doc Export #279
    • Place pasted views in the center of screen #278
    • UML colors in Preferences #277
    • Move up and down not works within type-sorted elements in Explorer #276
    • Copy-and-Paste causes applying Preferences's default values to pasted elements #275
    • Create a backup file when save a file for restore unexpected termination #274
    • Do not select diagram when clicking on empty area #273
    • Close diagram when the diagram is deleted (Delete from Model) #272
    • Allow to create diagrams always when nothing selected #271
    • Dependency model element is deleted when an connected view (e.g. ClassView) was deleted #270
    • Fix 'isFinalSpecification' to 'isFinalSpecialization' #258


  • Print Diagrams to PDF
  • Show/Hide Shadows
  • Support Frame Element
  • Resolved Issues
    • Show type in InputPin, OutputPin #268
    • Image's _parent is not assigned #267
    • Allow to add TemplateParameter to Operation #266
    • Diagrams containing '/' char in name will not be exported to image in Windows #265
    • Turn on/off shadows of elements #264
    • Message cannot be connected to Gate and Endpoint #263
    • Support Frame element #262
    • Exclude unnavigable and unnamed ends for UML010 rules #261
    • Allow ObjectFlow to connect between Pins (InputPin, OutputPin) #151
    • Print diagrams to PDF #52


  • Full screen mode for Mac OS X Yosemite
  • Asynchronous Model Validation
  • Resolved Issues
    • Add documentation menu item in Help menu #260
    • Problem in copy and paste of Attribute, Operation. #259
    • Bug with underlining when zooming (e.g. static operation) #257
    • Problem in Hierarchical State #256
    • Show all inherited operations in Quick Edit for Message #255
    • Problem in full screen mode in OS X Yosemite #253
    • Update diagram name in Working Diagrams #251
    • New update icon in Toolbar and check updates option in Preferences #243
    • Include licenses of thirdparty open source modules #159

2.0.0-beta.10 (Hotfix) (2014/10/14)

  • Resolved Issues
    • Grammar error in Operation expression #250
    • Class Diagram is not allowed in Subsystem #249
    • Problem in importing StarUML V1 files #248


  • File Extension Change
  • Minimap
  • Select In Diagram
  • UML Preferences
  • Resolved Issues
    • Select in Diagram #245
    • Incorrect underlining when WordWrap is true #244
    • Zoom fit to window #242
    • Horizontal forks/joins in activity diagrams #241
    • Use Case and Actor are not shown properly when Decoration with Label and Icon with Label #240
    • Messages are not deleted when deleting Connector in Communication Diagram #239
    • Interface always shows <> in Explorer #238
    • Difficult to manipulate Messages in Communication Diagram #237
    • QuickEdit for Extension Point #235
    • Exported Diagram has '.umlj' file extension when exclude '.jpg', '.svg' or '.png' #232
    • Open a file by drag-and-drop #231
    • Preferences for UML Elements #227
    • Mini-map for big diagrams #221
    • Notification when extension updates are available. #203


  • Show/Hide Types and Multiplicities.
  • Support Use Case Subject (aka. System Boundary)
  • Multi-Instance in LifeLine
  • Toast UI
  • Resolved Issues
    • Enlarge documentation textarea #215
    • Multi-Instance in LifeLine #216
    • Improve the way of creating Found and Lost Message #217
    • Prevent invalid reconnection of relationships by drag-and-drop #218
    • [Windows] Difficulty in using dropdowns of ComboBox #219
    • Show/Hide Types in Classes, Messages, Instances, etc. #223
    • [Windows] Scrollbar style is not applied when it launched. #224
    • Support Use Case Subject (aka. System Boundary) in Use Case Diagram #225
    • Show/Hide multiplicity in Classes and Associations #229
    • Show/Hide Toolbox and Editors in View menu #230
    • Diagram is not moved by drag and drop in Explorer #233
    • Unlocking in Toolbox is not done at once where elements are contained in other groups (e.g. Dependency). #234


  • Stability Improvement.
  • Restore Working File and Diagrams
  • Resolved Issues
    • Edited documentation is disappeared when select another element. #214
    • Open recently working file when app is launched #213
    • Error in un-doing deletion of containerView with containedViews. #212
    • Show Quick Edit when an element is created on a diagram #211
    • Problem in copy and paste a model element in Explorer #210
    • Right-click selection in Explorer #209
    • Angle brackets ('<', '>') should be accepted in QuickEdit #208
    • Disable 'Add' and 'Add Diagram' menu item when nothing available to add. #207
    • Distinguish Project file extension (.umlj) and Fragment file extension (.umlf). #206
    • Ctrl+A in Documentation should select all text. #205
    • Restore working diagrams and active diagram when a file is opened #200


  • Extension Manager
  • Java Extension (Code Generation and Reverse Engineering)
  • Word Wrap
  • Show Properties and Tags
  • Drag and Drop Relationships from Explorer to Diagram
  • Check for Updates
  • Resolved Issues
    • Error in changing source or target of MessageView in Sequence Diagram by drag-and-drop #204
    • Formatting JSON in UMLJ file (not in single line) #202
    • Allow drag-and-drop relationships from Explorer to Diagram #199
    • Self-association view is duplicated when creating by drag-and-drop from Explorer #198
    • Error in creating Submachine State #197
    • Incorrect moving of NodeLabelView (e.g. UMLPortView) #196
    • Show Property on Relationships #195
    • Hide 'undefined' in InteractionOperand #194
    • Allows default actions of Cmd+C,X,V,A,Z,Y for focused inputs not in Dialogs. #193
    • Word Wrap Support #161
    • Check for updates #148
    • Extension Manager #51


  • New User Interface
  • Menu Structure Improvement
  • Preferences Improvement
  • Resolved Issues
    • Flat-style new UI design #187
    • Apply UML Standard Profile when creating items in Robustness #191
    • Problem on initial sizing of views (when importing StarUML 1 files) #189
    • Add Directed Link in Toolbox #188
    • Profile should be created when ProfileDiagram is created in non-Profile element. #186
    • Bugs in Recent Files #185


  • Diagram Generator Feature
  • Diagram Layout Improvement
  • Core Refactoring in many parts
  • Resolved Issues
    • Dashed line is not supported in SVG export #184
    • Interface's socket view is failed when exporting diagram #183
    • Save As to existing file is failed #182
    • Writing raisedExceptions of Operation to file is failed #181
    • Exporting to SVG is not working #180
    • Importing staruml1 model files is blocked #179
    • Compartment items that was created when the compartment is invisible are not showing (e.g. Attributes). #178
    • Show/Hide visibility and stereotype on relations (e.g. Associations and AssociationEnds) #177
    • Generate Overview, TypeHierarchy, Package Structure diagrams #158
    • Diagram Export extension should be changed to internal API #112


  • Performance Improvement
  • Menus and Context Menus Improvement
  • Core Refactoring in many parts
  • Resolved Issues
    • Re-assign all ids of imported fragment #175
    • Undoing re-executed command is not working #174
    • ShowCompartmentVisibility, ShowCompartmentStereotype, ShowProperty are not working #173
    • Alignment menus are not working #171
    • Show original selection in ElementPicker when popup. #170
    • Removing all parameters of an operation in QuickEdit not working #169
    • TreeView performance improvement #168
    • Dependency for Package Diagram #167
    • Allows default actions of Cmd+C,X,V,A,Z,Y,Delete,Backspace for Text Boxes #164
    • Prevent copy and paste attribute views #163
    • Show error and remove the non-exist file in the Recent Files #150
    • Trigger APP_READY when all extensions were loaded #144


  • Automatic diagram layout
  • Keyboard manipulation on Diagram Editor
  • QuickEdit animation support
  • Resolved Issues
    • Prevent Cmd+C,X,V,Delete of Main Menu when TextBox has focus. #160
    • Shake animation when expression errors in QuickEdit #157
    • File extension (.umlj) is not supported in SaveDialog in Windows #156
    • Keyboard shortcut problems in Windows #155
    • Problem in showing error when expression parsing errors in QuickEdit #154
    • Keyboard manipulation on Diagram Editor #153
    • Incorrect File Associations: text files (.java, .properties, ..) are associated with StarUML in Windows #152
    • Documentation content is lost when selecting other element in Explorer. #149
    • Use OS's default scrollbar in Mac OS X #147
    • Brackets conflicts #122
    • Auto Layout Diagram #49


  • The first public release.
  • New versioning scheme. (Previous StarUML version is v5.0, but we do not use the version number no more and we use new version number starting from 2.0.0).

Darek's Secrets - NO EXECUTE! - Mac OS 8 Installation Guide

Windows runs Mac OS.. and likes it!

Cross-platform compatibility between Mac and Windows is not a new concept. Heroes 3 windows 10 download. Since 1984, Macintosh and PC users have grappled with the problems of reading each other's disks, loading each other's files, and running each other's applications.

Utilities do exist to read Macintosh files on the PC. We even provide such a free utility to read Mac disks on a PC, which is handy for reading a Mac formatted disk that contains a common file such as a Word document, Excel spreadsheet, Photoshop document, or a GIF or JPG or HTML file.

Some popular commercial utilities even go so far as to convert the file format for you, say from Mac Word 5.1 format to Word 2000 format. But the act of conversion may destroy the font information and change the document layout. This type of utility is a bad idea if you plan to 'round trip' the document back to a real Macintosh. It is a one-way operation at best.

Other tools, costing up to hundreds of dollars, do exist to allow Mac and PC computers to network together. But they do not solve the 'round trip' problem of moving a Mac file from a Mac application to a Windows application and then back to the Mac application.

None of these simple file copy utilities are really a good solution for the problems faced by real world Macintosh and Windows users:

  1. The round trip problem - Create a file on a Macintosh. Copy it to a PC and edit it in Windows. Then copy it back to a Macintosh and editing it using the original application. Each time the file may lose font, formatting, and layout information and may require tedious editing to fix to get it back to the way it was originally.

  2. The non-standard file format problem - Some file formats simply can't be converted from Mac to PC. The Mac applications that created the document do not exist for the PC, or the Windows version of the application lacks the ability to do the conversion.

  3. The custom written software problem - Many schools have invested thousands of dollars and years of time in developing customized educational software. While it may be inexpensive to replace the old Macintosh computers with PCs, it is not a trivial matter to rewrite millions of lines of computer code or to purchase thousands of dollars of new software which may not be able to read the old files.

  4. The look-and-feel problem - While many Macintosh applications do have Windows equivalents, most Macintosh users prefer the look and feel of the Mac OS and the way that the applications look and behave on a Mac. What Mac Word user really wants to use Word 2000 or Word XP?

We have a better solution. If you love your Macintosh software and would prefer to use Macintosh applications over Windows applications, but you either have to use a PC or can't resist the low cost of PCs, why not simply use the PC to run the Macintosh software? What a simple idea!

Our solution, since we developed it in 1997, is to turn a PC into a Macintosh clone, and to run Mac OS and Macintosh applications directly on the PC. You benefit from the lower cost and faster speed of the PC, and still keep the use of your legacy Macintosh applications.

Not only does this provide you the easy ability to copy files back and forth between Mac and PC, but it solves the round trip problem, it solves the non-standard file format problem, it solves the custom written software problem, and it solves the look-and-feel problem. Because with emulation, you don't stop using your original Macintosh software and you are not required to purchase additional Windows applications. All you need is a PC, one of our emulators, and the Mac software that you already have.

Using aMacintosh emulator, your PC can:

  • Run the Mac OS on x86 processors - run Mac OS on Intel and AMD processors, and run Mac OS and Windows at the same time.

  • Read Macintosh disks - read your Macintosh floppy disks, CD-ROMs, Iomega ZIP disks and other Mac disks directly.

  • Run most Macintosh programs - our current emulators run about 90% of all System 6, System 7, and Mac OS 8 compatible Macintosh software.

  • Have faster speed and larger memory - run Macintosh applications at close to the full clock speed of your PC with up to a gigabyte of memory.

Our products have been seen on television's Digital Desk show, in Japan's Mac Power magazine, at Macworld Expo San Francisco, Macworld Expo Tokyo, CeBIT Hannover, COMDEX Las Vegas, and numerous other computer shows around the world.

Emulation is a great way for a PC to be more Mac friendly in a mixed Mac/PC environment. And it is a great way to replace an older Macintosh computer with a fast inexpensive PC while retaining backward compatibility with the older machine's software.

SOFTMAC - The intelligent solution to Macintosh - Windows compatibility

A solution for every PC and every budget. Whether your PC is running MS-DOS, Windows 95, or Windows XP, we offer a variety of Mac emulation tools, utilities, and software bundles to help you read and run Mac files on your PC. You may download our tools free of charge for home and personal use.

SoftMac XP Classic Edition, or simply SoftMac Classic, is the free Macintosh emulator for Windows, featuring 68000, 68030, and 68040 emulation in a single emulator and support for emulating Mac Classic, Mac II, and Mac Quadra computers. It supports all versions of Mac OS from the original 1.1g through System 6, System 7, Mac OS 7.5 and 7.6, and Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1. For use with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, Windows Me, and of course, Windows XP.

SoftMac XP Xpress Edition, or simply SoftMac Xpress, is our most optimized Macintosh emulator, delivering 30% to 100% more speed than past releases of SoftMac when used with Windows XP on an Intel Pentium 4 processor, and featuring two-way drag-and-drop file copy support between Mac and PC disk volumes.

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SoftMac Online Tutorial
- shows you how to install Mac OS 8 and Macintosh applications. Print and read carefully!

All releases of SoftMac will boot Mac OS 8.1 in under 15 seconds on a typical Windows PC. By being able to emulate different types of Macintosh computers, SoftMac supports both '32-bit clean' and '32-bit dirty' Macintosh applications, and runs all 68K compatible versions of Mac OS (including System 7, System 6, and earlier) up to and including Mac OS 8.1.

The PowerPC processor is not emulated at this time by current releases of SoftMac, so Mac OS 8.5, 8.6, 9.0 and X are not supported since those versions of Mac OS require the PowerPC processor. PowerPC native applications are also not supported at this time.

A PC running MS-DOS cannot run SoftMac since SoftMac is designed for use on Windows only. For MS-DOS users we offer a free product called Fusion PC 3.0. It features fast 68040 emulation with an extremely small disk footprint. It is recommended for use on older 486 and Pentium systems running MS-DOS, or Windows 95/98 MS-DOS Prompt windows. Fusion PC 3.0 runs System 7.0 and 7.1, as well as Mac OS version 7.5, 7.6, 8.0, and 8.1.

Download Fusion PC 3.0 - setup files and documentation

All of our emulators run Mac software very quickly, typically delivering 50% to 70% of the clock speed in emulation. In other words, a 500 MHz PC running Windows 98 can emulate the equivalent of a 300 MHz Macintosh Quadra running Mac OS 8. Your results will vary depending on the exact type of PC you are using, the amount of RAM present, the version of Windows being used, video drivers, etc. For a good explanation on exactly what type of PC to use and how fast your results can be, see our Hardware Requirements and Benchmarks page.

IMPORTANT: All versions of SoftMac and Fusion PC require that you provide a valid Macintosh ROM BIOS (which all Macintosh computers use to start booting) and a valid Mac OS startup disk. Without these two items, and emulator will not boot or work, just as a real Macintosh computer cannot work without these items. You should download the free SoftMac XP or Fusion PC release to verify that you have the necessary ROM BIOS and Mac OS before purchasing a more advanced SoftMac release.

All users of Mac emulators fall into one of 3 categories. You should determine exactly which of the 3 categories applies to you, and this will determine whether you need to purchase a ROM card and/or ROMs, or whether you can use SoftMac entirely without any additional hardware. The 3 categories are:

  • You do not currently own a Macintosh computer of any kind. You will have to purchase our ROM card and a set of Macintosh ROMs and use that hardware inside your PC. You will likely also need to purchase Mac OS and other Macintosh software.

  • You do own a Macintosh computer, but one that is not functioning. You will need to purchase our ROM card and you will have the option to then install your computer's ROMs into the ROM card. In effect, transferring the functionality of your Macintosh computer into your PC. Only specific Macintosh ROMs are supported by the ROM card, so please consult our Macintosh ROM Chart to verify that you have the correct ROMs.

  • You do own a Macintosh computer that is functioning. You may be able to simply create a ROM image of your Macintosh's BIOS by running a small utility on your Macintosh. Again, please consult the Macintosh ROM Chart to verify that your ROMs are supported as ROM images. SoftMac currently supports over 30 different Macintosh ROM BIOS versions that are used in dozens of different models of Macintosh computers and we are adding support for new BIOS versions every month.

On April 20 2002 we released the SoftMac XP version 8.20 Suite CD-ROM. This latest release improves Windows XP support and Windows XP optimizations which deliver up to 100% faster speed than previous SoftMac 2000 releases. Two Windows XP compatible releases of SoftMac are included - SoftMac Classic which minimizes memory usage and is better suited for older Windows 95 based PCs, and SoftMac Xpress which delivers faster speed and is optimized for Pentium 4 and Athlon processors. Both version include a more intuitive user interface over SoftMac 2000.

The SoftMac XP Suite comes with some additional software, including the Fusion PC 3.0 Apple Macintosh emulator for MS-DOS, the Gemulator Atari ST emulator for Windows, and easier to use file copy utilities which simply copying files between Mac and PC disk volumes. We also offer additional third party Macintosh software such as Mac OS 8 and Claris Works, shareware software for the Mac, as well as Macintosh ROMs for use with SoftMac XP and other Macintosh emulators.

Attention! At this time (the year 2008) the SoftMac XP Suite is no longer sold online or through dealers. However, we are liquidating our unsold inventory of SoftMac CDs, unopened Mac OS 8 packages (Mac setup CD-ROM and/or Mac floppy disks), the shareware CD, and other items. .

Some quick facts about the latest SoftMac XP release:

  • supports Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 95

  • compatible with all 486, Pentium, Celeron, AMD K6, Duron, and Athlon processors Hardware id keygen anno 1404 venice free.

  • 30% to 100% faster performance than previous SoftMac 2000 releases

  • emulates 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, and 68040 processors

  • emulates 68881/68882/68040 floating point co-processors

  • emulates Mac Classic, Macintosh II, Macintosh LC, and Macintosh Quadra computers

  • runs System 6, System 7, and Mac OS 8, including Mac OS 8.1 and Mac OS 7.6

  • support for emulating 1 gigabyte (1024 megabytes) of Macintosh memory using an efficient swap file

  • multiple CD-ROM and DVD-ROM support - mount up to 9 CD-ROM devices at once

  • direct reading of Apple Macintosh floppy disks, CD-ROMs, hard drives, LS-120 and Iomega ZIP disks

  • disk image support allows mounting of SCSI hard disk and CD-ROM disk image files

  • easy drag-and-drop file copy support between Mac and PC disks

  • high resolution graphics supporting up to 1900x1080 color modes

  • support for editing and switching between 16 custom configurations

  • 'Hibernate' command - quickly saves Macintosh session to hard disk

  • built-in links to useful web sites and online help

As with most emulators and as explained above, SoftMac requires the ROM BIOS from a Macintosh computer in order to properly work. This is both a legal and technical requirement. If you own a functioning 68K based Macintosh computer, you can run a ROM dumping utility (which we supply) on your Macintosh and save its ROM BIOS to a disk file. That ROM file can then be copied to your PC and used with SoftMac and in many cases also used with our Fusion PC 3.0 emulator. The directions for doing this, as well as the ROM dump utility itself are on our SoftMac Online Documentation page. Please check the ROM chart below to make sure you have the necessary model of Macintosh to create the ROM image with. If your ROMs are listed as supported, congratulations, you can skip the rest of this page!

If you do not have a working Macintosh computer or do not have the necessary model of Macintosh computer, you must use ROM card and plug in real Macintosh ROMs into the card which then plugs into your PC. The ROM card which we manufacture has 8 ROM sockets which allows you to plug in two or more sets of Macintosh ROMs at once. This gives you the ability to run SoftMac and emulate multiple Macintosh computers at the same time, each running from a different ROM on the ROM card.

If you purchase our ROM card, you have the option to have us pre-install a set of Mac OS 8 compatible Macintosh ROMs on the card. If you wish to save some money and purchase just the ROM card without pre-installed ROMs, or you are an existing customer with a ROM card already installed, you can add your own Macintosh ROMs to the ROM card. You have several ROMs to choose from depending on what kind of Macintosh you wish to emulate and the kind of Macintosh software you wish to run:

  • For running older 68000 software (typically old Macintosh Plus or Macintosh SE software) you will want to use 128K Macintosh Plus ROMs. These can run System 6, System 7, and System 7.5.5, and do support reading high density 1.44M floppy disks and other Macintosh disks. These ROMs easily plug out of any Macintosh Plus computer because they are always socketed.

  • The first generation of color Macintosh ROMs are the original Macintosh II series (II, IIx, IIcx, and SE/30). These ROMs support color and are great for running System 7 and System 7.5. They are relatively inexpensive and can be plugged out of most Macintosh II computers because they are usually socketed (except in the IIcx). These ROMs however do not run Mac OS 8 because they are not 32-bit clean and support at most 8 megabytes of memory, limiting their usefulness.

  • The second generation of Macintosh II ROMs are the 512K, 1M, and 2M ROMs found in the Macintosh IIci, IIsi, LC series, Centris series, and Quadra series computers. These ROMs are 32-bit clean, meaning they support up to 1024 megabytes of Macintosh memory, they run System 7, 7.5, as well as Mac OS 7.6, 8.0, and 8.1, and are generally much faster and less buggy than the original Macintosh II ROMs. These are the ideal ROMs to run with SoftMac and are the type of ROMs that we install with our ROM cards.

The ROM card can accept almost all types of Macintosh ROMs manufactured between about 1984 and 1992, covering everything from the Mac 128 to the higher end Mac IIci and LC models. Although the card cannot physically accept 1M or larger ROMs due to the shape of those ROM chips, the 512K IIci and LC ROMs work just as well and do support Mac OS 8.

To extract the ROMs and install them on the card, first remove the cover from the Macintosh. Look for the ROMs on the motherboard. They will be a 1, 2, or 4 chip set in a 28-, 32-, or 40-pin package. Most Mac motherboards label the ROM chips right on the board with markings such as 'ROM HIGH', 'ROM LOW', 'ROM HH', 'ROM LL', etc.

On each ROM will be part number of the form 341-0XXX or 342-0XXX. The XXX is a 3 digit part number than uniquely identifies each ROM chip. For example, the picture here shows a set of Mac 512 ROMs plugged into the ROM card. If you can read it, note the part numbers on the two chips - the first one is 342-220-A, the second chip is 342-221-A.

Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac High Sierra

Once you unplug the ROMs from the Macintosh, installing the chips is easy. Install the chips in numerically in the order listed in the chart below so that SoftMac will detect them correctly. When installing 28-pin chips, leave empty pins to the left of the chip as pictured above. ROM chips will 32 pins will plug in covering the entire socket. 40 pin ROMs (such as from the LC III) are not supported directly without using additional sockets to sit on top of our card and are not recommended. A ROM image of those ROMs can be used though.

The following is a list of ROMs and part numbers that we've cataloged so far. We will be updating this list as we test ROMs from more Mac models.

For each Macintosh ROM we list the models of computers that the ROM was used in and the unique 'checksum' of the ROM. The checksum is displayed by the ROM dump utility and identifies the specific version of the ROM. Apple released dozens of different Macintosh ROMs over the years. For each ROM we also list the type of processor that it supports, the size of the ROM image, the physical information about the ROM chips, the part number, the versions of Mac OS supported by the ROM, and which emulators support this ROM.

Information that is unknown or unsupported is marked with a * symbol.

ROMs that are marked as 'jumpers' are not standard 28- or 32-pin ROMs and will require extra installation steps. Installing them yourself is not recommended.

Brmodelo 3.0 For Mac Os

Emulators legend: G = Gemulator 2000, S = SoftMac 2000/Classic/Xpress, P = planned for a future SoftMac release, F = Fusion PC

Model or Series
supported by ROM
Emulators which support this ROMROM size in kilobytesROM chipsPins on
each ROM chip
Part number
ROM checksumMac OS versions
Mac 128
Mac 512
68000G, S64228220, 22128BA61CE
1.1g to ???
Mac Plus68000-68020G, S128228341, 3424D1EEEE1
1.1g to 7.5.5
Mac SE (800K)68000-68020S256228 JUMPERS352, 353B2E362A81.1g to 7.5.5
Mac SE (HDFD)68000-68020S256228 JUMPERS701, 702B306E1711.1g to 7.5.5
Mac Classic68000-68020S256 or 512140 JUMPERS813A49F99141.1g to 7.5.5
Mac II (800K)68020-68030S256428105, 106, 107, 1089779D2C4
5.0 to 7.5.5
Mac IIx
Mac IIcx
Mac SE/30
68020-68030S256428639, 640, 641, 642972211365.0 to 7.5.5
Mac Classic II
Mac IIvi
68020-68040S, F512432864, 865, 866, 8673193670E6.0.5 to 8.1
Mac IIci68020-68040S, F512432736, 735, 734, 733368CADFE6.0.5 to 8.1
Mac IIsi68020-68040S, F512***36B7FB6C6.0.5 to 8.1
Mac IIfx68020-68040S, F512***4147DD776.0.5 to 8.1
Mac LC68020-68040S, F512432392, 393, 394, 395350EACF06.0.5 to 8.1
Mac Iici
68020-68040S, F512432476, 475, 474, 47335C28F5F6.0.5 to 8.1
Mac IIxi68020-68030S, F512***35C28C8F6.0.5 to 8.1
Mac Color Classic68020-68040S, F1024***ECD99DC07.0.1 to 8.1
Mac IIvx68020-68030S1024***495798035.0 to 7.5.5
Performa 460
68020-68040S, F1024240
661 662ECBBC41C7.0.1 to 8.1
Powerbook 18068020-68040S, F1024***E33B27247.0.1 to 8.1
Mac LC 475
Performa 475
Quadra 605
68020-68040S, F1024***FF7439EE7.0.1 to 8.1
Mac LC 580
Performa 580
68020-68040S, F1024***064DC91D7.0.1 to 8.1
Mac LC 630 Performa 63068020-68040S, F1024***066842147.0.1 to 8.1
Centris 610
Quadra 610
68020-68040S, F1024***F1A6F3437.0.1 to 8.1
Centris 650
Quadra 650
68020-68040S, F1024***F1ACAD137.0.1 to 8.1
Quadra 700
Quadra 900
68020-68040S, F1024***420DBFF37.0.1 to 8.1
Quadra 95068020-68040S, F1024***3DC278237.0.1 to 8.1
Quadra 660AV
Quadra 840AV
68020-68040S2048***5BF10FD17.0.1 to 8.1
Powerbook 530068040-PPCP4096***63ABFD3F7.5 to 9.0
Power Mac 610068040-PPCP4096***9FEB69B37.5 to 9.0
Power Mac 710068040-PPCP4096***9A5DC01F7.5 to 9.0
Power Mac 860068040-PPCP4096***960E4BE97.5 to 9.0
Power Mac G368040-PPCP4096***79D68D637.5 to 9.0
???68040-PPCP4096***96CD923D7.5 to 9.0

If you have a Mac not listed here or have ROMs with different part numbers, let us know so we can add them to the list. Give us the model of Macintosh, the year it was manufactured, the type of processor inside of it, the number of ROM chips, the number of pins on each ROM, and read off all the text on each ROM.

Please do not send us information about old Macintosh clones (UMAX, Power Computing, etc.) or Mac OS X only machines. These are not true classic Macintosh computers and are thus not intended to be supported by our emulators.

Copyright © 1996-2015 Emulators, 14150 NE 20th Street, Suite 302, Bellevue, WA 98007, U.S.A.
Questions and comments can be sent to
is usually responded to within 2 to 3 business days.

Apple, Mac OS, Macbook, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Atari is a registered trademark of Atari U.S. Corporation. Athlon, Athlon XP, Opteron, and Phenom are registered trademarks of AMD. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Visual Studio, .NET, and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft. Intel, Pentium, Core 2, Core i7, and Atom are registered trademarks of Intel. PowerPC is a trademark of IBM. Additional company and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the individual companies and are respectfully acknowledged.

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