Ready to talk to sales? Find a Partner (844) 319-5912 Email Us. MiCloud Technical Support; Mitel Technical Support. Just One Thing Trunk Test Tool. There is also a really handy tool called the Trunk Test Tool which allows you. ShoreTel PBX does not register as a SIP trunk, but uses static SIP trunking instead. The InGate SIParator is required to meet the requirements of the test scenario. A SIParator 19 is an A SIParator 19 is an. The network for the SIP trunk reference configuration is illustrated below and is representative of a ShoreTel ShoreWare configuration. Figure 1 - SIP Trunk Lab Reference Network. The lab network consists of the following components:. ShoreTel ShoreWare PBX for voice features, SIP proxy and SIP trunk termination. Shoregear 90 switch. If you know the basic configuration parameters of your ShoreTel and ITSP, the start up tool is the shortest possible path to your first SIP phone call from a ShoreTel iPBX. Using the start-up tool you can quickly configure the basics, sanity test the basic configuration, upload it and then use the Ingate Web based Administration portal can then.

Page to keep updated with tools as I find them from ShoreTel systems.

Workgroup Tool:
You can use the Workgroup Tool on the server to determine what the status of the agent is.
  • Open a command window on the server and go to the 'Program FilesShoreline CommunicationsShoreware Server' directory.
  • Type: wgtool (enter)
  • Type: wg wgdn= (WG Ext)
H or Help or ? - List commands and properties
Agent - Get info about an agent [eg: Agent agentDN=114]
SetDebug - Set debug level. Not recommended, please use registry settings
WG - Get info about a specific workgroup [eg: WG wgDN=200]
Memcomp - Compare memory usage
Test1 - Test one. Reserved for testing purpose
LoadAllDB - Load all DB. Not recommended when system busy
Use - Use a different WG Server by providing its ServerID [eg: Use Server=2]

Shoretel Trunk Test Tool Set

ListServers - List all the WG servers associated with the HQ

wgDN, agentDN, hGC, hHC, callID, lineID, iwg, iagent, imember, iGC, iHC, dbg, Server
CommandName Property=Value, where Value is expected data
For Example:
Agent agentDN=100, AllWG, WG wgDN=150, SetDebug dbg=255

Program Files (x86)Shoreline CommunicationsShoreWare ServerVBTrunkTest.exe

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This tool can be used to view the status of trunks with in the ShoreTel system

Shoretel Trunk Test Tool Download

What sorts of tools does ShoreTel provide for troubleshooting problems. There is also a really handy tool called the Trunk Test Tool which allows you. ShoreTel PBX does not register as a SIP trunk, but uses static SIP trunking instead. The InGate SIParator is required to meet the requirements of the test scenario. A SIParator 19 is an A SIParator 19 is an.

I have built a brand new Shoretel 13.3 system (Build 18.62.200) and added 4 Shoretel T1 switches, and some voice switches, & setup a trunk between all four switches, I have given permission to use this trunk to 'VoiceMail Notification' as recommended, in fact all groups have permission to use it. My Server is called Shoretel13, i keep it simple. I would like to use the 'Trunk Test Tool' to test out my trunks now, but the TTT show me this message, 'Shoretel13: No Trunks Found' and Does not show me any trunks.

It's very peculiar that TTT is showing me this message. Indian tv serial male actor in underwear. The previous server that this new one is replacing had the exact same problem, same version of S/W. Is there a software defect that is unique to build? I was under the impression that this was the very last build of Shoretel 13.3, the latest and greatest? Are there any other settings needed besides granting VoiceMail Notification permission to use the trunks in order to get STT to open them?

Trunk Test Tool Download

Trunk Test Tool Download

Trunk Test Krug

That is a vague question. Heartcode bls exam answers 2015. They offer a few things for you right in the shoreware director (their configuration server). There are quick look tools, event logs, phone status', shoregear switch status, application (like VM) servers status, etc. Serial number dr web. They also have a system/network monitor package now that monitors the devices and the network they reside on. There are some other things you can use too, such as log files and command line reporting plus some limited canned crystal reports that show some useful info. – 2018