To install ExamView on either your Windows or Macintosh computer, please follow the relevant instructions below.
Mac installer Level Two ExamView Download Windows installer Mac installer Note: In order to be able to download the above files, you must have purchased the corresponding product. For any questions on how to use ExamView® or for questions about creating your profile, please contact the ExamView® customer support team at 866-746-3015. Does hertz car rental charge for additional drivers. It would seem that ExamView is the most well featured exam manager for the Mac, yet we haven't seen any updates from the developers in over three years (Feb 21, 2007)? The software is still only PPC native, which adds to instability and slowness on modern Macs. This makes it hard to justify the expense and continued use of it.
Follow these steps to install the ExamView Assessment Suite on your Mac or Windows:
To install the ExamView Assessment Suite on your Windows computer, you’re required to meet the following system requirements:
Neat calibration page. After completing these steps you’ll have access to the following applications on your Windows Computer:
To install the ExamView Assessment Suite on your Mac, you’re required to meet the following system requirements:
After completing these steps you’ll have access to the following applications on your Mac:
If the changes aren’t reflected in your roster, click ‘Refresh Table’ in the ‘Rosters & Teams’ main window.